Mental Health
If you're feeling stressed, you're not alone.
Graduating from high school is exciting, life-changing, and STRESSFUL!
Read about the basics of stress here.
Did you know there are some great apps for your phone that can help you beat stress? Some are even free.
Kardia is an app for deep breathing
Moodfit- allows you to track your mood, sleep and nutrition as well as, has mindfulness exercises and encouraged physical activity and social interaction.
OK2talk is a safe, moderated online community where teens and young adults can share their stories of recovery, tragedy, struggle, or hope through creative expression such as poetry or songs, inspirational quotes, videos, and messages of support.
Verywell Mind offers trusted mental health information when you need it most.
Explore ideas and articles about mental health:TED Talks
Psychology Today can help you find a therapist and offers information on mental health.
If you are in crisis:
Crisis Text Line-Text from anywhere in the USA to text with a trained Crisis Counselor. Every texter is connected with a crisis counselor
Links for referrals for abuse, anxiety, stress, depression/sadness, eating disorders/body image, gender/sexual identity, grief, isolation/loneliness, self-harm, substance abuse, and suicide.
Crisis Text Line : Text DE to 741741
Anxiety and Depression Association of America (online support group)
Call 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline